Lent Day 37 - Thursday
“And Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me and don’t stop them. For
the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.’ ” (Matthew 19:14)
Back when I worked
for the library, one of my favorite evenings was when I worked in the children’s
room. I’ve enjoyed working with kids since I was just out of college and
working part-time in a church kindergarten program and full-time in the church
recreation ministry. Not being a parent, it’s fun and enjoyable to me because I
can play with them, spoil them and then send them home with their parents. It’s
neat to get on their level (meaning the floor) and have a good conversation
about stuff and nonsense, but to also draw them into a more serious
conversation, too. To treat them as people and not just little weebles or
something. But, there is something endearing about looking up and just seeing a
head of hair and eyes peeping over the counter at you, and asking where the
latest “Fancy Nancy” or “Junie B. Jones” books are.
Of course my
favorite kids were the little boy who wanted to be called Emily Elizabeth, even
though his name was Brad. And his mother could not persuade him that he was not
Emily Elizabeth. And, then there was the little Asian girl who would come
running in once a week, year-round, singing “Joy to the World” at the top of
her lungs. The Christmas one….not the bullfrog one. She only knew that first
phrase in English and the rest was in Chinese, but she was a cutie patootie.
As Jesus began His
journey toward Jerusalem for the Passover, he spent so much time teaching and
telling parables to everyone he encountered. At one point, a group of parents
brought their children for a blessing and, being kids, they were probably
laughing and playing, so the disciples tried to stop them from getting too
close to Jesus. When He saw this, he scolded His disciples with the quote used
in the scripture for today. What did Jesus mean about Heaven belonging to
childlike people?
Children are so
believing…that’s part of their charm. They’ll believe almost anything you tell
them. Believe it with all their hearts. I’ve been guilty in years past of the
old “mixing butter and salt makes heat” story, and kids (and teenagers and
adults) will usually just fall for the story….until the finale’. Jesus is making the point that unless you can
come to Him and believe with the same strength and purity of a child, then you
have not fully caught on to the whole salvation point. Children don’t need all
the theological words and doctrines. They don’t need to know about
“conservatives” and “moderates” and all that hooey. They’ll become jaded enough
as they grow up. They learn all they need to know by the song, “Jesus Loves Me”
and “Jesus Loves the Little Children.”
As adults, we have
to believe totally, with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. Let it
permeate your whole being. Let it consume you. Fully trusting. Fully believing.
Just like a kid and not like the typical cynical “show me” adults of the world.
As I always say…Love God. Love and tell others. Simple. Are you trusting like a child? Or do you hold
a wee bit of ‘yourself’ in reserve in case it gets too hard? As we approach
Jesus’ approach to Jerusalem and His triumphant entry on Sunday, I pray that I
can have that simple faith-belief like a child.
And for today my friends, this has been the gospel according
to Jimmy. Blessed be the Name of the LORD!
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